Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blessing Box

This week there was a good Shutterfly deal and, like always, I waited until the last minute to take advantage of it...and didn't finish in time.
{in my fantasy world I'd like to have a bunch of photo books ready and waiting for every deal- a girl can dream, right?}
So yesterday and today, I've been trying to put together Adalyn's Second First Year Book.
I know.
And while we're at it...
Yes, my header is from when she was 4 months old.
 Yes, my bio says I can't wait to be a mommy.
Yes, she's weeks away from turning 2.
I keep begging for time to slow down so I can catch up, but it's just not happening.
Rude, I know. 

As I was working on her book I was reminded of how grateful I am for facebook.
Although facebook is filled with some negatives, this week I'm focusing on the blessings of it. 

Anyone that is friends with me on facebook knows that I post a lot of pictures.
Like, a lot. 
But it's such a blessing to have a simple way keep family and friends connected and up to date with Adalyn.
Many of them have only met her a hand full of times, but I love that they feel like they know her because of the awesomeness of technology and Facebook.

Not only is it a blessing to those that aren't in our every day life,
it's also a blessing to me to be able to have everything organized and documented.

I'm so thankful that I have all the pictures with notes, stats and captions
 because Lord knows my memory is only getting worse. 
Mommy brain, anyone?
It's the pits, right?!

So even though I'm ridiculously behind and struggling to catch up I've been so thankful that I was consistent with Facebook and that it's been so helpful with getting me back on track!

How have you been blessed this week?
Grab the code,  link up and share!

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely glad for instagram to see Adalyn!
